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Alside Consumer Insights: Purchasing Windows

Alside recently conducted a national survey in collaboration with The Harris Poll® to gain valuable insights into the consumer window purchasing experience. Let’s delve into four key consumer insights from more than 1,300 American homeowners.

1. Enhancing Energy Efficiency

When it comes to window replacement, homeowners prioritize enhancing energy efficiency. Thirty-six percent of respondents selected energy efficiency as their primary motivation. Alside Mezzo® Windows include options that meet stringent ENERGY STAR® requirements and offer homeowners a range of insulated glass packages to optimize energy efficiency, making them an ideal choice for energy conscious individuals.

2. Addressing Damage

Homeowners agree that maintaining a home’s structural integrity and aesthetics is vital. Damage ranked high on the list of reasons for window replacement (29%). Notably, 45% of 18- to 34-year-olds identified damage as the primary reason for window replacement. By promptly addressing damage, homeowners can enjoy the benefits of high-performance windows and increase curb appeal in the process.


Infographic of survey results

3. Contractor Selection: Word-of-Mouth and Best Price

The survey also examined how homeowners choose window replacement contractors. Word-of-mouth/family or friend recommendations and best price tied for the top spot, with each obtaining 28% of responses. Online ratings (22%), product selection or brands (14%), and advertisements or promotions (4%) were also influential factors. Interestingly, there was a gender divide, with females relying more on word-of-mouth recommendations and males prioritizing the best price when making contractor decisions.


Survey results infographic

4. Longevity Expectations

The survey explored homeowner expectations regarding window longevity. Approximately one-third (32%) of respondents believed windows should last more than 20 years before requiring replacement. With the right window selection for specific climates and proper care, Alside windows, backed by a lifetime limited warranty, can more than deliver on homeowners’ expectations and help ensure peace of mind.